South East Regional Health Authority
People Caring for People
Regional Office
2nd Floor, The Towers,
25 Dominica Drive,
Kingston 5
Send your complaint or commendation to patientcare@serha.gov.jm
⌂ » Services » Food Handlers' Permit

Food Handlers' Permit
Who Needs a Food Handlers' Permit?
All persons currently working in or planning to work in a food handling establishment, regardless of their position, need a valid food handlers' permit. This means persons such as:​
Production Line Staff
Once your work involves handling food, you need a valid Food Handlers' Permit.
Please note: Students of the above mentioned skill categories and students in catering schools and hospitality programmes, also need a VALID Food Handlers' Permit.
Steps on On-site Application Process:
Important Notices
The following steps on the on-site application process are below:
Fill out the onsite application form and the individual application forms for the participants. All application forms must have two passport-size photos attached.
The onsite fee is $6000.00
$500.00 per person for the first 25 persons.
Please note that for participants who exceed 25, the cost is $500.00 per person and an administration fee of $300.00 per person. Additionally, applications must be submitted to the health department before the scheduling of a date for training. Training will be decided based on the consciences of both parties. Onsite sessions are scheduled three days per week on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays twice per day.
Students who are required to handle food as part of their course of study need to obtain food handler's permits. These include students in catering schools, hospitality programmes and all other areas where preparation and handling of food is required.
A Student food handler's permit is valid for the duration of your course of study. Permit renewal follows the same procedure as the initial application.
Applicants are required to bring the following forms of identification –Two (2) recent passport sized photographs (not more than 6 months old), A valid identification; (Driver’s Licence, GOJ ID or Passport) and Tax payer Registration number (TRN).
A food handler's permit is valid for one year from the date of issue, and must be renewed every year. Permit renewal follows the same procedure as the initial application. The general fee is $500.00 and students with IDs is $300.00. The renewal fee is $500.00​
Your food handlers permit is your passport for working in the food trade/industry. It cannot be given to another person to be used or to be renewed. It should be kept safe and available for inspection.
The health departments conducts training sessions throughout the year to facilitate the process. To work in the food trade/industry without a food handlers permit is a serious breach of the Public Health (Food Handling) Regulations 1998.
Instruction: After you have completed the form, please take the form to the health department in your parish for processing. Please call (876) 926-1500-2; (876) 906-1291-3 for the Kingston & St. Andrew Public Health Office is located at 1A Caledonia Crescent, Kingston 5; please call (876) 538-8594 for the St. Catherine Health Department, Burke Road and please call (876) 984-3318 or (876) 749-0925 for the St. Thomas Health Department.