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Customer rights

Your Rights as a Customer/Client

You can expect us to:

  • Provide the highest attainable standard of health services possible

  • Treat everyone fairly & with respect

  • Respect the privacy of patients and treat their information with confidentiality

  • Properly store & secure medical records

  • Contact patients if there are problems with requests, medical records or appointments

  • Listen to concerns and work to resolve them

  • Explain any proposed treatment, including risks involved in treatment and any alternative treatment

  • Provide reasons for any delay in service delivery

  • Provide a clean, safe & comfortable environment

  • Educate patients and relatives of patients' health status

  • Ensure continuity of care by referring clients to their local health centres for follow-up treatment, where necessary

  • Treat customers on the basis of needs and not necessarily on a 'first come, first serve' basis

As our patients, we expect you to:

  • Provide correct information in order for your records to be accurate

  • Secure and present all requested documents

  • Be on time for all appointments and notify us if you are unable to attend

  • Take good care of our property, eg. clinic cards & furniture

  • Treat us with courtesy & respect

  • Display proper behaviour and refrain from using abusive language

  • Comply with the dress code

Understanding Your Rights



I have a right to health care.


I can access services to address my health care needs.


I have the right to receive safe & quality care.

I can expect to receive safe & high quality health care services, provided with professional care, skill & competence.


I have the right to be shown respect, dignity & consideration.

I can expect health care providers to show respect to me and my culture, beliefs, values & personal characteristics.


I have the right to be informed about Services & treatment options in a clear & open way.


I have the right to be included in decisions and choices about my care.

I can expect to receive open, timely and appropriate communication about my health care in a way I can understand.

I have the option to join in making decisions and choices about my care and about health service planning.


I have the right to privacy and confidentiality regarding my personal information.

My personal privacy is maintained and proper handling of my personal health records and other information is assured.


I have the right to comment on my care and to have my concerns addressed.

I can comment on or complain about my care and have my concerns dealt with properly & properly.

Contact Customer Service at 1-888-429-5013 or

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