South East Regional Health Authority
People Caring for People
Regional Office
2nd Floor, The Towers,
25 Dominica Drive,
Kingston 5
Send your complaint or commendation to patientcare@serha.gov.jm
⌂ » COVID-19 » Overview

What is the Coronavirus?
What is the coronavirus?
Cornavirus are a large family viruses that are known to cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).
Symptoms of Persons Infected with Coronavirus
Common symptoms include:
shortness of breath
breathing difficulties
In more severe cases, infection causes:
kidney failure
severe acute
respiratory syndrome and even death
These common symptoms may appear 2-14 days after exposure.
Stay at home if you have experienced any of these symptoms.
Numbers to Call
Do not go to a health center, doctor’s office, pharmacy, or hospital.
Self-isolate immediately and call the following telephone numbers:
Kingston and St. Andrew Health Department
St. Thomas Health Department
St. Catherine Health Department
Adults, 65 years and older, are at higher risk for severe illness. COVID-19 is a new disease and we are learning more about it every day.
What You can do to prevent getting the virus
If you have a serious underlying medical condition:
Stay home
Wash your hands often
Avoid close contact (6 feet, which is about two arm lengths) with people who are sick
Clean and disinfect frequently touched services
Avoid all cruise travel and non-essential air travel
Call your healthcare professional if you have concerns about COVID-19 and your underlying condition or if you are sick