The new chapter of my career has begun, which requires me to bid farewell to a most
dynamic team of employees.
It is amazing how much was accomplished during my 3 years managing you all, as well
as the bonds that have been formed. From the moment I assumed my role, I was
warmly welcomed by you and that helped to make the working environment easy for me
to adjust. How can I forget the support, kindness and appreciation you all have shown
me throughout the years. Each year for my birthday, I could always trust you all to make
me feel so special with my office decorations, lunch treats and cake. Those are
moments I will never forget. Many of you also took a personal interest in my health and
welfare and for that I extend my heartfelt appreciation.
Thank you all for three unforgettable working years. Each of you in your own way made
coming to work each day worthwhile. Although I will not be there with you on a daily
basis, I still look forward to hear of your growth and development as the Ministry
continues to adapt to the changing healthcare environment. I learnt a lot from you and
hope that this was reciprocated.
With Mr. Brown taking over and leading the charge, I kindly ask that you extend to him
the same courtesy and give him your full support.
Thanks again.