Dr. the Hon. Christopher Tufton, Minister of Health & Wellness (MOHW) discussed the future plans of the health sector with the Board of Directors and Management for the South East Regional Health Authority (SERHA), as the new financial year for 2022/2023 is approaching. The meeting was held on February 24, 2022 inside the Bustamante Hospital for Children
(BHC) conference room. There were some 40 participants including the Permanent
Secretary, Ministry of Health & Wellness, Board Chairman, SERHA, other Board
representatives, Regional Director and Parish Managers. Also in attendance were the
management team of the Bustamante Hospital for Children, Linstead, Spanish Town,
Hope Institute, National Chest, Sir John Golding Rehabilitation Centre, Princess
Margaret, Kingston Public and Victoria Jubilee Hospitals.
In addition to thanking the leadership of the Region, Minister Tufton informed the team
of the range of priorities identified by the Ministry of Health & Wellness for the
upcoming year including operationalization and implementation of the Ministry’s 10 year
strategic plan, developed with support from the Inter-American Development Bank.
Minister Tufton also mentioned the areas of focus for the upcoming financial year 2022/2023, some of which would be brought to the Cabinet. These topics include mental
health, internal efficiencies, special programmes (Primary Care, Compassionate Care,
Jamaica Moves, Adopt-a-Clinic, and Better for you Menu), elective surgeries, projects
within the Region and Non-Communicable Diseases.
Critically, the meeting was also about providing participants with the opportunity to
articulate their concerns and make recommendations for improvements across the health
Similar meeting will be held with the other Regional Health Authorities this year.
